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Biblioteca SBIF
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Catálogo completo Biblioteca SBIF en Orden alfabético

Algunos aspectos relacionados con el riesgo en la intermediación financiera 


Algunos determinantes de la tasa de interes en Chile, 1976-1980. Una estimacion 


Algunos puntos referentes al manejo monetario en Chile 


Almacenes generales de depósito: la prenda warrants y sus aspectos concursales 


Almacenes generales de depósito 


Almacenes generales de depósito 


Almacenes generales de depósito 


Almacenes generales de depósito. "Warrants" 


Alternativas de política cambiaria 


Alternative approaches to short-term economic management in developing countries 


Alternative frameworks for analyzing the pricing of Federal Reserve Services 


Alternative frameworks for providing financial services 


Alternative housing finance systems 


Alternative mortagage instruments, the Tilt Problem, and consumer welfare 


Alternative mortgages and truth in lending 


Alternative organizational structures 


Altius, citius, fortius. Encuentro nacional de la empresa 1993 / 2000.01 


Alligators in the swamp: the impact of derivates on the financial perfomance 


Allowance for loan losses guidance: Where we stand today 


Amaras al cobre como a ti mismo 


Ambient findability 


América del Sur: Oportunidades & desafíos 


América Latina y Asia-Pacífico: oprtunidades ante la crisis. 


American national dictionary for information processing systems 




An account of the banking crisis in Spain 


An analysis and critique of the BIS proposal on capital adequacy and ratings 


An analysis and critique of the BIS proposal on capital adequacy and ratings. 


An analysis of bank' liability for the deposits of proceeds of criminal activities in the UK 


An analysis of customer "mobility" in the bank credit market (1979-1980) 


An analysis of global and financial developments 


An analysis of large bank foreign deposit and their insurance assessments 


An analysis of the causes of saving and loan association failures 


An analytic approach to the band market 


An anatomy of credit booms and their demise 


An anatomy of rating through the cycle 


An assessment of bank holding companies 


An assessment of the long-term economic impact of stronger capital and liquidity requirement 


An empirical model of household arrears. 


An empirical study of joint production and scale economies in commercial banking 


An empirical study of the usefulness of accounting ratios to describe levels of insolvency risk 


An empirical test of the effect od usury laws 


An essential guide to: banking course supervision 


An evaluation of current financial reporting of the financial analysts federation corporate information subcommittee 


An examiner's guide to investment products and practices 


An incentive approach to banking regulation 


An integrated approach to portfolio management 


An international comparison of banks' equity returns 


An introduction to cost and produccion function 


An introduction to credit derivatives 


An introduction to credit derivatives 


An introduction to credit risk modeling 


An introduction to database systems 


An introduction to modern econometrics using stata 


An introduction to risk and return: concepts and evidence 


An introduction to survival analysis. Using Stata 


An investor's guide to credit derivatives 


An overall perspective on banking regulation 


An overview of government regulation 


An overview of the problem of government regulation 


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Contacto Biblioteca

La Biblioteca de la SBIF atiende al público de Lunes a Viernes, de 9 a 13:30 horas, en Moneda N° 1123 Piso 4, Santiago Centro. Si tiene alguna consulta puede contactarnos a los teléfonos 8879215 y 8879374.

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SBIF - Moneda 1123, Santiago - Casilla 15-D; Fono (56+2) 887-9200; Fax (56+2) 381-0410
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