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Catálogo completo Biblioteca SBIF en Orden alfabético

Historia de la ley. Ley N° 20.190. Introduce adecuaciones de índole tributaria e institucional para el fomento de la industria de capital de riesgo y continúa con la modernización del mercado de capitales 


Historia de la libre competencia en Chile, 1959-2010 


Historia de la supervisión y regulación financiera en el Perú 


Historia de un banco con historia 


Historia de un banco con historia 


Historia económica de los Estados Unidos 


Historical perspectives on financial development and economic growth 


Holding company affiliation and scale economies in banking 


Home equity lending 


Home-host information sharing for effective Basel II implementation 


Honduras. Adapting the prudential regulatory framework to the partial dollarization of the financial system 


Hong Kong's development as a regional financial centre 


Hot money 


Household finance 


Household financial management: the connection between knowledge and behavoir 


Household saving in Chile (1988 and 1977): Testing the life cycle hypothesis 


Housing in the seventies, shor-term cycles in housing production: an averview of the problem and posible solutions. Rate risk insurance for mortgage lenders, financial reform and mortgage lending by thrifts through liability management, mortgage backed se 


How accurate are value-at-risk models at commercial banks? 


How asset and liability management improves perfomance 


How countries supervise their banks, insurers and securities market 2013 


How countries supervise their banks, insurers and securities markets 


How Danmarks Nationalbank manages risk 


How developing countries are coping with their debt 


How do data revisions affect the evaluation and conduct of monetary policy? 


How good are bad loan reserves? 


How important are small banks to small business lending? New evidence from a survey of small firms 


How interest rates changed under financial liberalization - a cross-country review 


How laws and institutions shape financial contracts: the case of bank loans 


How much accountability for central banks and supervisors? 


How rating agencies achieve rating stability 


How requirements for big capital ratios inhibit banks 


How should monetary policymakers respond to the new challenges of global economic integration? 


How the 1981-83 chilean banking crisis was handled 


How the bank of england failed the jimb test 


How the big New York banks manage risk 


How the cash flow crisis floored the LDCs 


How the Fed affects the economy: a look at systematic monetary policy. 


How the internet redefines banking 


How the Paris Club deals with debtors 


How the proposed Basel Guidelines on rating-agency assessments would affect developing countries 


How to account for problem loans 


How to bring about a "robust exit" for an insolvent bank 


How to fix China's banking system 


How to negotiable a term loan 


How well does a monetary dynamic equilibrium model account for Chilean data? 


Hull-White on derivates 


I grandi supermercati francesi entrano nell'attivita bancaria 


IAS39: problems and solutions 


Iberian Banks 


IBFS: the first two years 


Iconografía de monedas y billetes chilenos. 


Ideas para la reorganizacion de la actividad financiera en Chile 


Identifying problem banks 


Identifying the macroeconomic effect of loan supply shocks 


If Texas were Chile 


IFRS Handbook 2007: una guía para la implemantación de IFRS en Chile 


IFRS: blessing or curse for small developing markets? 


IFRS: El mundo de los negocios hablando un solo lenguaje 


II mapa financiero de las empresas chilenas 


Il calcolo dell'efficienza nei servizi bancari 


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La Biblioteca de la SBIF atiende al público de Lunes a Viernes, de 9 a 13:30 horas, en Moneda N° 1123 Piso 4, Santiago Centro. Si tiene alguna consulta puede contactarnos a los teléfonos 8879215 y 8879374.

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