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Logo de la Superintendencia de  Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Chile
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Biblioteca SBIF
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Catálogo completo Biblioteca SBIF en Orden alfabético

Bank credit to small and medium-sized enterprises: the role of creditor protection 


Bank deposit and the money supply: 


Bank deposit in the monetary theory of Keynes 


Bank examination classifications and loan risk 


Bank examination data as predictors of bank net loan losses 


Bank examiner criticisms, bank loan defaults, and bank loan quality 


Bank failure. An evaluation of the factors contributing to the failure of national banks 


Bank failures. why are there so many? 


Bank holding companies: comparative issues and policy 


Bank holding company acquisition of thrift institutions 


Bank holding company long-term-debt: is it capital? 


Bank holding company study completed 


Bank information monopolies and the mix of private and public debt Claims 


Bank insolvencies : cross-country experience 


Bank insolvency risk and the market for large certificates of deposit 


Bank investor relations. A new world 


Bank lending and monetary policy: evidence on a credit channel 


Bank lending and relationship banking: evidence from chilean firms. 


Bank lending channel and the monetary transmission mechanism: the case of Chile 


Bank lending standards and access to lines of credit 


Bank lending to developing countries. Problems and Prospects 


Bank lending to developing countries: Recent developments and some considerations for the future 


Bank lending to non-OPEC LDCs: are risks diversifiable? 


Bank lending to small businesses in Latin America : does Bank origin matter? 


Bank lending to small businesses in Latin America: does bank origin matter? 


Bank loan classification and provisioning practices in selected developed and emerging countries 


Bank loan losses-given-default: a case study 


Bank management. 


Bank management. 


Bank market structure and monetary control 


Bank Market Structure and Performance. The evidence from Iowa 


Bank mergers and small financing 


Bank mergers: What should policymakers do? 


Bank mergers: What's a policimaker to do? 


Bank ownership and efficiency 


Bank ownership and performance does politics matter? 


Bank privitization in developing countries: A summary of lessons and findings 


Bank profitability. 


Bank profitability. 


Bank profitability. 


Bank profitability. Which way the bottom line? 


Bank regulation : the case of the missing model 


Bank regulation and macro-economic stability 


Bank regulation and risk-taking incentives: an international comparision of bank risk 


Bank regulation and supervision : what works best 


Bank regulation and supervision: what works best? 


Bank regulation and the market operations 


Bank regulation and the network paradigm: policy implications for developing and transition economies 


Bank regulation in merger analysis 


Bank regulation, liberalization and financial instability in latin american and caribbean countries. 


Bank regulation: asking the right questions 


Bank reserves requirements and monetary aggregates 


Bank restructuring in Indonesia 


Bank restructuring in practice 


Bank risk analysis in emerging markets 


Bank risk and predicting bank failure 


Bank risk of failure and the too-big-to-fail-policy 


Bank scoreboard. How the top 200 banks perfomed in 1982 


Bank scoreboard. how the top 200 banks performed in 1980 


Bank scoreboard. How the top 200 banks performed in 1981 


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Contacto Biblioteca

La Biblioteca de la SBIF atiende al público de Lunes a Viernes, de 9 a 13:30 horas, en Moneda N° 1123 Piso 4, Santiago Centro. Si tiene alguna consulta puede contactarnos a los teléfonos 8879215 y 8879374.

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